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  • We are by your side

    From program to the final goal

    With years of experience, we make sure you always get the best advice.





purpose of Company

Best quality

Our aim is always to provide high quality professional services to our customers to satisfy them.

Best price

Our commitment to our clients is to deliver successful projects that add value to their business.

quick in supply provid

We believe that doing business with our customers is more of a long-term partnership than a sales transaction

We help you market your business worldwide

We are with you from the beginning to the end of import and export affairs anywhere in the world

Why choose us?

Use our experience

Protect your business

The customer confidentiality policy system is considered one of the most important ways of business progress

Optimize your business

The best strength for any organization or company is to reduce overhead costs

Empower your employees

Our 15 years of work experience can help in empowering your personnel

Valuable ideas service

We help develop your ideas and your team's creativity


GGT has three departments that serve you:

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Department of chemicals and petrochemicals to provide petrochemical raw materials like granule PVC, caustic soda, Solvesso, Naphtha, LPG, UREA 46%, Bitumen, White spirit and more

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Department of industrial and mining equipment to supply machinery and industrial parts for factories including mining and extraction equipment, industrial oils, etc.

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Commercial department to conduct all of the export and import services and market your products.

GGTtrade and HSRC GROUP:partnering for a Brighter Future

We proudly announce that GGT PETROCHEMICAL, as the official repesentative of HSRC GROUP, has opened a new getway to the world of technology and innovation. We are committed to delivering quality products and unparalleled services, stepping forward with you towards a brighter future.

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GGT petrochemical

At GGT, our objective is to provide raw materials for your factories and help you to export your products.

The work started in 2006 when GGT entered the field of international trade in Turkey. First, GGT began to export only petrochemicals and some of the country's products to neighboring countries such as Iraq, Turkey, UAE, Qatar, and Ukraine. Now After a decade we gather a group of competent suppliers in Middle East in the field of petrochemical raw products, providing for factories all over Europe and the U.S. GGT skilled experts and consultants have offered the best services for our customers and gaining their satisfaction as much as possible, and this has resulted in delivering the customer orders in the shortest time, lowest cost and the highest quality.


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